Building energy certificate - who must have it? Who can issue it?

From April 28, 2023, an energy certificate is mandatory!

This requirement is not limited only to newly built houses and apartments in multi-family buildings, but also covers existing buildings. Additionally, inspections of heating and air conditioning systems will be necessary.

When exactly do we need a house energy performance certificate, and are there any penalties for not having it?

From April 28, it is mandatory to attach a copy of the energy certificate to a notice of completion of construction or an application for an occupancy permit, as well as when renting or selling a house. The energy certificate may be provided in paper or electronic form.

It is worth emphasizing that energy certificates are also required for apartments in blocks of flats.

How long is an energy certificate valid? The energy certificate is valid for 10 years, provided that no significant modernizations have been made, such as replacing windows or heating systems.

As for the costs of obtaining an energy performance certificate in 2023, they are varied and range from PLN 500 to even several thousand PLN,

But what does this building energy performance certificate really mean? A building's energy performance certificate, also known as an energy passport, is a document containing information and indicators specifying the total energy demand of a building necessary for its normal functioning. This is information regarding the energy demand for heating, ventilation, hot water preparation, air conditioning and lighting. Additionally, this document specifies the energy sources and carbon dioxide emissions associated with a given building. (Could this information affect future taxes, the amount of which will depend on the class of our building or apartment?)

Who is authorized to issue a building energy performance certificate? The new regulations require that from 2023 only a person entered in the list of authorized persons in the central register of energy performance of buildings may issue such certificates. The list of these people can be found on the website of the Ministry of Development and Technology at .

What exactly is the central register of energy performance of buildings? Another novelty is universal access to basic information contained in energy performance certificates, which can be found in the central register of energy performance of buildings , available here . It is also planned to improve the quality of these certificates. This also works to the advantage of inspections of heating and air conditioning systems, where penalties will be introduced for providing a certificate or report that has not been registered in the central register, as well as for failing to provide the certificate to the buyer or tenant . The data collected in the register will allow you to assess the state of construction in Poland, and the minister responsible for construction, spatial planning and housing will be able to prepare a long-term strategy for the renovation of buildings, covering both public and private ones. (or at least this is the official version)

Who is obliged to order an energy performance certificate? The new regulations introduce an obligation to attach a building energy performance certificate to the notice of completion of construction or an application for an occupancy permit, which applies to investors, including developers and individual investors. The obligation to prepare such a certificate rests with the property owner. In the case of single-family houses, the cost may be several hundred zlotys. The lack of an energy performance certificate carries the risk of financial penalties of up to several thousand zlotys.

The new regulations aim to improve the current system for assessing the energy efficiency of buildings in Poland. The new chapter of the regulations covers requirements for the inspection of heating and air conditioning systems, with appropriate inspection periods depending on the type and power of these systems. Buildings in which advanced automation and control systems have been installed, allowing for the optimization of energy generation, distribution, storage and use, will be exempt from them.

Please also remember that selling or renting an apartment is only possible upon presentation of an energy certificate. This is mandatory not only for single-family and multi-family buildings, but also for apartments . Anyone who plans to sell or rent an apartment must have the appropriate document. Additionally, the amended regulations impose an obligation to include information about the certificate in sales or rental announcements if such a certificate has already been prepared for a given building or part of it.

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