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🏡 Funding at your fingertips 🏡 How to replace an old stove with modern infrared heating?

Funding at your fingertips, but not for everyone and not in the amount we would like.

In 2023, owners of houses heated with old stoves can apply for subsidies to replace the heat source. There are many programs that will help with this. It is worth knowing which of them can finance electric infrared heating.

The Polish government has been running co-financing programs for the replacement of obsolete heat sources for several years. Most people can associate them with heat pumps, which are eagerly promoted by the authorities. However, you should know that these programs can also finance modern infrared heating systems. Why should you be interested in infrared heating?

Unlike other systems, it does not require any subsequent intervention. It is the only heating system on the market that is completely maintenance-free. It is also self-sufficient because it does not require external fuel, as is the case with coal (and its variants) and gas. The operation of infrared heating films is also not directly dependent on weather conditions, as in a heat pump. Heating films will always have exactly the same performance and consumption - whether it's freezing or raining. For this reason, more and more people are interested in infrared heating as an alternative to popular systems on the market.

People who intend to replace a heat source must know that they can apply for government funding for this purpose. Electric heating is also provided for in the regulations of these programmes. Here we will briefly introduce each one that can help you lower your heating bills.

Clean Air Program

Link to the program Clean Air .

This year, the 4th edition of this flagship government program is underway. It is designed for owners or co-owners of residential buildings and for owners of residential premises that have been separated from single-family houses. How much money can you get?

  • PLN 66,000 for ordinary funding level
  • PLN 99,000 for elevated funding level
  • 135,000 for the highest level of co-financing
  • 1 200 for everyone levels . This is money for an energy audit

What can I spend this money on?

Program beneficiaries can allocate funds for exchange old sources heat , as well as for thermomodernization works. The amounts of subsidies for individual purposes differ from each other.

In case of first level of funding (up to PLN 66,000) for electric heating can be obtained PLN 5,600 – however, the maximum amount may not exceed 40 percent incurred costs net. It is also worth mentioning that at this level you can get co-financing for hot water installation in the amount of PLN 8,100.

On a higher level (up to PLN 99,000) electric heating can be obtained PLN 9,700 funding. These costs may not exceed 70 percent expenses incurred . In case of hot water this amount is PLN 14,300 and also 70 percent. costs.

The highest level of funding (i.e. up to PLN 135,000) supports people investing in electric heating with the amount 13,900, which is to cover 100 percent. costs . Preparation hot water is financed with the maximum amount PLN 20,400.

As we can see, homeowners who opt for electric heating have a good chance of covering a significant part of the costs incurred. It is worth remembering that the Clean Air program also subsidizes photovoltaic micro-installations in the amount of:

  • PLN 6,000 for the basic level
  • 9,000 if elevated
  • 15,000 for the highest level of funding

Funding levels

Height the amount we receive depends on the applicant's income:

  • Basic level - PLN 135,000 per year
  • Increased level - PLN 2,651 per month for single persons and PLN 1,894 for multi-person households
  • The highest level - PLN 1,526 per month for one-person households and PLN 1,090 for multi-person households

Where to apply?

The relevant form is available at program page . The application can be submitted online. It is also possible to submit it in a paper version. To do this, please visit the website grant application generator follow the instructions there. The printed and completed application should be sent to the appropriate branch Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

Clean air credit

Apart from non-refundable subsidies , the program also offers the possibility of taking out credit on preferred terms. From this year, a loan with a subsidy for partial repayment of the loan capital can be obtained six months before the start of the investment. Which banks offer a Clean Air loan?

  • Alior Bank
  • Environmental Protection Bank
  • BNP Paribas Bank Poland
  • Credit Agricole Bank Polska
  • Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości SA
  • Cooperative Banks from the BPS Group

The loan amount so far has been up to PLN 100,000. Period crediting varied from bank to bank. At Alior Bank it was, for example 10 years , and at Bank Ochrony Środowiska – 12 years. Information on how to apply for a loan is provided by the bank.

Stop Smog

Link to the program Stop Smog .

This program is a supplement to Clean Air. It is addressed to owners of single-family houses affected by the phenomenon poverty energy . In a word, they can take advantage of it people with lower incomes . The funds obtained from the Stop Smog program can be used for:

  • Thermomodernization works
  • Replacement of the heat source with low-emission ones
  • Liquidation of old and non-ecological sources
  • Connection to the gas or district heating network

The list of works that can be performed is long and includes, among others, replacement of window and door woodwork, modernization of chimneys, liquidation of thermal bridges, insulation of ceilings, walls, floors and foundations. Full work list is available in catalog of eligible costs for the Stop Smog program.

The amount of the subsidy at Stop Smog

Each beneficiary of the program can receive a non-refundable grant of up to PLN 100,000 eligible costs that were incurred during thermo-modernization.

Who can participate?

Stop Smog is addressed to people in energy poverty, i.e. those for whom heating costs building consume a significant part of the household budget .

“The ultimate beneficiaries of "Stop Smog" are people who cannot afford to replace the furnace and insulate the house. The program specifies that these are those whose average monthly income per household member does not exceed 175 percent. the amount of the lowest old-age pension in a one-person household and 125 percent. this amount in a multi-person household,” said Paweł Mirowski, vice-president of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management quoted on

The program can be used by people living in the communes where it is in force resolution anti-smog . The commune must also sign an agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and dispose of 30 percent. own contribution. The state finances 70% of investment.

How to use the program?

The program can only be used through the commune competent for the place of residence. First, local officials look for people who meet the conditions and are willing to take advantage of the program. When a sufficient number of farms is collected, he submits an application to the ministry for a subsidy. The details of the recruitment are decided by the commune authorities, so you should look for additional information there.

Warm apartment

Link to the program Warm Apartment .

This is a government program which, as its name suggests, is aimed at apartment owners. In principle, it is identical with Clean Air. Thanks to it, every owner of a flat heated with a non-ecological heat source can receive a subsidy for its replacement.

Who is a warm apartment for?

People living in communes that have joined the program can take part in it. An absolute condition is to have an old type of heating in the apartment - a stove for coal or other solid fuels - below the 5th class.

Amount of co-financing

The amount of the subsidy depends on the income of the beneficiary . It can range from PLN 15,000 to PLN 37,500. Co-financing in the Warm Flat Program is divided into three levels:

  • Basic - up to PLN 15,000 (and 30% of eligible costs) - annual income up to PLN 120,000
  • Increased – up to PLN 25,000 (60% of costs) – monthly income: PLN 1,673 in a multi-person household and PLN 2,342 in a one-person household
  • The highest – up to PLN 37,500 (90% of costs) – monthly income: PLN 900 in a multi-person household and PLN 1,260 in a single-person household

What can I spend the funds on?

The beneficiaries of the program can use the subsidy to replace an inefficient heat source with a new one or to connect a collective heat source in the building. As part of the program, you can replace the old tiled stove with modern electric infrared heating , which will work not only in single-family houses, but also in apartments. It should be remembered that the co-financing covers both the purchase and installation of a new heating system.

Extra work

As part of the Warm Apartment program, you can perform a number of additional works, such as:

  • Disassembly and purchase of a new hot water installation
  • Purchase and installation of windows
  • Disassembly, purchase and installation of external doors in the apartment
  • Purchase and installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery
  • Design documentation of the above investments

Even more money

It is worth finding out in your commune whether it is on the list of the most polluted in Poland. If so, the subsidy for its residents is higher and amounts to:

  • Up to PLN 17,500 (35% of costs) for the basic level
  • Up to PLN 26,900 (65% of costs) for the higher level
  • Up to PLN 39,900 (95% of costs) for the highest level

Where to apply for a Warm Apartment?

Applications are submitted through the municipality. First, officials must notify the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management of their willingness to participate in the program. When the fund allocates subsidies, then it is up to the municipality to set the appropriate dates. The second call for proposals is currently underway ends December 31, 2023.

Information on the deadlines and the method of submitting applications for a warm apartment should be sought at the relevant commune office.

Other subsidies

Many communes and local governments run their own subsidy programs for the replacement of old heat sources. Virtually every voivodeship city (except Krakow) has its own program independent of government initiatives. The same applies to poviats and some communes. This is why we recommend that you check on your own whether there is an additional program in the commune appropriate to your place of residence.


If someone in Poland today has an old, uninsulated house, which is heated with an equally old stove, then they have a great opportunity to replace the entire heating system with a new one. Using subsidy programs, you can improve not only thermal comfort, but also reduce heating bills. How?

Practically each of the programs offers subsidies for thermal modernization works. Thanks to them, less heat will "escape" from the house. In this way, the new heating system will be more efficient, which will translate into savings in the household budget. Therefore, the replacement of the heat source with a new one should go hand in hand with thermal modernization. This is especially important in surface heating systems such as infrared heating foils . Although this system can be selected perfectly, without proper insulation it will not work as it should.

source Termofol

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